APPLY TO JOIN Wealth Soup Academy Circle





Thank you for your interest in our Private Community where we foster an environment for learning & growth.

We cover a variety of different topics such as:

*Consumer Law

*Debt Discharge

*Status Correction

*Private Travel

*State National

*Credit Repair

*Personal & Business Funding

*Business Credit

*Assest Protection and MORE!



Q: How often does the group meet online?

A: The group meets Bi-weekly, typically Thursday evenings at 7:30pm EST

Q: Are the study sessions recorded?

A: This depends on the topic being discussed. However, 2 students always take meeting minutes so you’ll have a summary of what was covered. The community also works very well with getting people caught up if a class was missed.

Q: What is duration of the group access?

A: As long as Dr. Goody is teaching online, the community is available.

Q: Where does the study sessions take place?

A: They take place via an online platform such as Google Meets, Telegram, etc.

Q: What topics are covered in the community?

A: Debt Discharge, Traveling Private, Asset Protection, Personal Credit, Business Credit, Consumer Law, Trust, Funding, and more!

Q: What if you miss a study session on a topic, will the topic be discussed at a later date?

A: Yes, we have new members join weekly so we will always surface back around for classes or subjects you may have missed.


Dr. Shaneika Goodman is a dynamic serial entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, and dedicated consumer law educator, known for her unwavering commitment to empowering individuals on their journey towards financial freedom and breaking generational cycles. Dr. Goody's upbringing instilled in her a profound sense of responsibility and a deep passion for helping others.

Dr. Goody's journey as a serial entrepreneur began when she realized that traditional financial systems often left her community struggling with debt, limited access to resources, and a lack of generational wealth. Determined to make a difference, she embarked on her entrepreneurial journey, founding a series of successful ventures aimed at transforming the financial landscape for marginalized communities. One of her most notable accomplishments is the creation of an exclusive community dedicated to alleviating the financial burdens faced by its members. This community serves as a beacon of hope, offering financial education, resources, and support to individuals seeking to achieve financial independence.

In addition to her business ventures, Dr. Goody is a sought-after speaker who passionately shares her knowledge and experiences on stages around the country. Her inspirational talks motivate and empower audiences to take control of their financial destinies, embrace personal growth, and strive for greatness.

Dr. Goody's mission is to teach financial tools and strategies that pave the way for passive income, generational wealth, and, ultimately, financial freedom. She firmly believes that everyone has the potential to live their best lives and become the best version of themselves, regardless of their financial circumstances. Through her tireless dedication, she has helped countless individuals break free from the shackles of debt and financial insecurity.

In summary, Dr. Goody is a visionary serial entrepreneur, a charismatic speaker, and a dedicated consumer law educator who has made it her life's mission to empower individuals to achieve financial freedom and become the best versions of themselves. Her journey serves as an inspiring testament to the transformative power of education, entrepreneurship, and unwavering dedication to making a positive impact on the world.

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